How to eager load files with Rails
Published on March 04, 2022
Once, I wrote some code that read similar to this:
module Stub
class Applicable end
class ImmediatelyApplicable < Applicable
class DelayedApplicable < Applicalbe
As this were just stub-classes they were not used in any test. They pipeline succeeded and deployed the code to a staging environment. This resulted in an error and the service was down, albeit working perfectly on my machine!
[2022-03-04T12:34:56+00.00 app[worker.1]: pid=1 tid=2ks] WARN: NameError: uninitialized constant Stub::Applicalbe
Turns out, I made a typo and wrote Applicalbe. *facepalm*
When in development mode, files are only required when they are needed the first time but when running Rails
in production mode, it was eager loading all the files.
Turns out, you can reproduce this locally in your console to re-create the error:
$ bin/rails console
irb(main):001:0> Rails.application.eager_load!